The Settings Menu

You can set up your account, preferences, current workspace, player settings, team profile, and team members from Settings on the left navigation menu. You may have limited access if you are not a team administrator.

After clicking on Settings, you will see three options on the navigation menu - Personal, Workspace, and Team.


You can change your profile image, first and last name, and password from the Personal account settings tab on the left side.

Profile Image 

Your profile image will appear in the upper right hand corner of the app. The maximum acceptable file size is 1 MB.

User Information

Set your first and last name from User Information.

Change Password

You can update your password from the Change Password box.


Process Notifications

You can select whether you would like to receive email notifications when processing is complete for uploaded 3D tours.


You can subscribe or unsubscribe to Cupix newsletters. Cupix newsletters inform subscribers of new features, product updates, case studies, and more to effectively get the most out of the Cupix Web App experience.

Default Units

You can set the default unit of measurement for your workspace. Supported units of length are ft, in, ft’ in”, m, cm, and mm.


You can set your default language here. Supported languages at this time are English, Japanese, and Korean. More language options will come in the future.

Current Workspace

Workspace Info

You can change the workspace name and address from the Workspace Info section. If the current workspace is created by default, the address field will be empty. If an address is not added, the server automatically stores your workspace data in the server closest to your IP address location. To store data on the server located closest to the workspace location, add an accurate address. Keep in mind that this address will be applied to any additional 3D tours created in this workspace.


The default units for length and area will be applied to all 3D tours in the workspace. You can also change the units individually in each 3D tour.

Google Analytics Tracking

You can set up Google Analytics tracking for the current workspace. Additional details about using Google Analytics in our support center.

Cupix Support Access

You may turn on this option to allow the Cupix support team to access your workspace to help facilitate any troubleshooting.