Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
7001File upload did not succeed. Make sure the web browser is in the foreground during file upload. Do not close the web browser until upload progress has reached 100% and closes on its own.
7002Server unable to begin file processing.
Server processing system error.
8999Server processing timeout error.
8001One or more photos are not equirectangular. Make sure all photos have an aspect ratio of 2:1.
8002Server API 500 error.
8003Server API 400 error.
8004Server API connection timeout.
8005One or more photos are in dual fish-eye format. Only upload equirectangular images.
8006One or more videos are in dual fish-eye format. Only upload equirectangular videos.
8007One or more videos are not equirectangular. Make sure all videos have an aspect ratio of 2:1.
8008Video file decoding failed. Make sure each video file size is less than 2GB.
8009Invalid photo format. Required minimum width is 3,000 pixels and images should be equirectangular (aspect ratio of 2:1).
4100Storage limit exceeded. Delete files no longer in use, upgrade capacity plan, or purchase additional storage space